Saturday, 2 July 2011


After a very, very hectic few months I am pleased to finally have had the time to pick up my camera again and even work on the images that I have taken - hurrah!

The next few images are some experimental images that I have taken of some tulips with the lensbaby fisheye lens.  Please let me know what you think:

We were driving around a couple of weekends ago and past this field and I couldn't resist going back with my camera the next day to get some images.  I hope you like them. 

Have a good rest of the weekend.


Friday, 25 March 2011

Spring is back - hurrah!

Apologies for the large gaps between posts, I don't know where this year has gone.

Its great to see the spring flowers and the frogs have been back again but the poor things came back too early and the snow that came in March sent them scurrying away.  There are some eggs in the pond and, fingers crossed, we should have tadpoles soon.  Please see below a few images of some frogs that I managed to take:

Peek a boo!

Have a great weekend!
