Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Strange looking fungi!

My little girl and I were out in the garden yesterday looking at fungi when she suddenly leaped back looking slightly concerned.  It turns out that the strange green fungi she had spotted in the grass, and decided to touch,  took offense at this intrusion and hopped forward.  Trying not to laugh, but failing miserably, I finally convinced her that the frog got more of a fright than she did!

We are very lucky in that we have had many visits from frogs in the garden and here are some of my many shots from the ones that visited our pond.

They are great characters and some just can't resist the camera.

Susan xx

Friday, 1 October 2010


Hello!  I wish I could say that I have been busy taken pictures this week but the weather has once again been conspiring against me.  I am now thinking about taken my photography in a new direction - wet, soggy and windswept photography!
Instead I  have been working on some of the images that I have taken during the year and this week it has been the turn of the foxglove.  I had two rather sorry looking foxgloves hiding at the back of the garden with only a few flowers having emerged on both plants but this made me concentrate on a close up view of two flowers rather than going for the whole plant.  I also went for a more grainy feel.  

The images differ slightly in the orientation.  I prefer the top image myself but please let me know what you think.

Have a good weekend.
